2016 Qcon北京

1.1 七周七并发

for(int n: numbers)
sum += n;
(defn sum [numbers]
(reduce + numbers))

(defn count-words [pages]
(frequencies (mapcat get-words pages)))

(defn count-words [pages]

1.2 JVM G1

performance tuning: throughput/ response time/ footprint/ availability / capacity

  • analyzing log
  • monitoring
    • lock stats, utilizations[cpu,mem]
  • profiling

JVM (class loader + gc + runtime + JIT compiler)

  • JVM monitoring
  • app profiling
  • process & plot GC logs
  • online& offline GC monitoring


  • NOT eliminate your memory leaks!(GC heap dump)
  • throughput & latency(no footprint) two main drivers
    • throughput max (generational + parallel work
    • latency (pause + concurrent mark/sweep)
  • All GC in OpenJDK HotSpot are generational
    • fast path alloc == thread local alloc buffer == lockfree alloc [epoch 机制!]
    • young gc == reclamation via scavenging(eden -> survivor)
    • old gc(different algothm!) reclamation via parallel mark-swept compact/ multi-threaded
  • All non/partial compacting GC fallbak to full gc [like g1?]


  • young collection(partial) -> initial mark(less pause) -> remark(big pause) -> cleanup(little pause) -> mixed collection(partial)
  • collect most region(mixed collection)
  • heap configuration

Tuning GC

  • elapsed time
    • copying costs(in compact!)
  • overhead(more possible)
    • alloc rate & promotion rate
  1. size generations(faster filled sonner gc trigger)
  2. size appropiate (more copy more pause)

adaptive alogithm for gen size(do steps - find in “print”)
java performance tuning? monica@codekaram.com (left oracle)
openJDK hotspot vs jeorocket


kubernet 1000node限制 封装+100ms延迟

1.3 网易蜂巢容器云

docker 开发人员与sa关系(改变部署、协作方式)

- 运维定义仅镜像-》自动化容器云平台
- 成熟度 Docker(网络、存储坑)/ kubernetes(多租户、有状态坑)/ OpenStack(公有云运用坑多) 

容器网络: 容器互联

- 长连接问题、IP注册服务发现问题、迁移复杂
- 运维复杂度、端口冲突、内外IP
- 不利于故障恢复、IP变化(控制IP分配)
  • VxLAN网络(Openstack Neutron)
    • 每个租户独立私有、外网网卡直接挂载、私有网络>容器网络
  • 基础服务 暴露为统一url
  • 编排(选择kubernetes)
    • 多租户 node、存储、网络隔离
    • 性能问题:所有操作都在任务队列串行执行、LB聚合多个etcd集群(超过1千节点)、调度器以租户调度(?)
  • 诊断工具
    • 统一日志 调用链!rsyslog收集
    • 基础服务 监控定制化(慢查询、死锁、复制等)
  • 容器运行
    • 保持状态:网络、存储(远程盘、实现reload命令)
      数据库docker化? ceph或高IO块

1.4 Startup大数据平台架构 AppAnnie

王佳 ramon@appannie.com 应用商店分析和市场数据

  • 数据驱动(引入data schema中间层)
  • 使用工作流引擎管理(数据节点复用,通过executer来封装底层执行引擎)
    • 自实现 Dagre-D3(js, UI) + Engine(Python RQ,取工作流,找task丢到Redis) + Redis
    • oozie, Azkaban, luigi(内部大数据)
      Pig 构建数据管道,HIVE 临时查询与分析,Python 实现各种ETL、算法模型、Pig的UDF函数

1.5 OS导致非典型GC停顿(zhenyun)

bg: java(HotSpot JVM) + linux (paging[huge page] + swapping + page cache[writeback] )
理论来自IEEE Cloud 2014

  • startup state
  • steady state with memory pressure
  • steady state with heavy io


  • java app alloc/de objects
  • bg app taking mem or disk ios
  1. Startup State

Q: java heap(resident size查看)逐渐增大-> 导致OS启动direct page scanning(cpu飙升) -> OS启动swapping
A:”-XX:AlwaysPreTouch”初始化 + 设置Swappiness = 1 + cgroup具体设置

  1. Steady State (mem)

Q: 以为是heap被swap out导致(55 s时间太大,sys/usr/real time中为55/0不应该cpu这么高) -> linux默认特性THP导致(加速寻址,malloc超过2M自动启动)
A: mem压力时不用THP,没有再开

  1. Steady State (IO)

Q: sys/usr/real(0.01/0.18/11.45) disk io比较高 -> gc之后1.5s停顿(要小写gclog文件导致,但是异步花这么长时间return?) -> stable page write(pdflush启动) / journal commit导致(包括需要alloc新block时启动)

mission control

  • 先看usr/sys/real
  • 小心linux新的特性
  • 注意各层的问题

QA:CMS容易full gc-> mem leak->静态变量太多 / object size比较大?

1.6 (百万量级)细粒度查询意图识别


  • 查询短、特征稀疏、歧义强
  • 广告缺乏相关性

现有方法:Google Rephil系统(Bayesian网络推断)使用在adsense
识别意图3类方法(短文本聚类[长尾无法覆盖,缺失推断能力]、Topic Modeling[不同topic难对应,精确度不足]、查询分类[粒度较粗])
网络构造:2年点击日志-> 抽取query-url关系
问题:过大不纯类、太多细粒度 -> 质量评估(纯度、文本相关性)

2.1 Twitter message queue

database – Bookeeper

  • kestrel (simple, Fan-out queue, Reliable reads, cross DC rep)

    • each queue is a file(持久化性能问题)
    • 读旧数据性能(mem cache设计问题)
  • Kafka (小规模订阅的顺序io性能非常好)

    • 依赖OS的page cache(文件多导致random io)
      更大问题:各个软件组件维护问题(client, upgrade, hardware)

消息总线目标:1.unified stack; 2. Durable writes(intra-cluster, geo-repli); 3. 多租户; 4. scale resources independent; 5. 易于维护

仍然采用日志追加模型 entry(DLSN, Sequence ID, tid)

- 没有实现partition
- 存储层Bookeeper
- 核心层writer, reader 读写分离
- 无状态服务层 write proxy(ownership tracker)/read proxy(routing service)
- 方便服务层(container去做)与存储层扩展    
- 冷数据存储 HDFS

注意:write proxy写是2PC的(Bookeeper实现or自己逻辑实现?BK使用的是Paxos)
最终一致性实现:LastAddConfirmed(读) & Fencing(写,争强问题?hash):owner tracking(不需要严格选举,lease机制即可,zk就能提供,failure detect: TickTime=500ms Session Timeout=1000ms)
总结:底层保证、不要相信文件系统(page cache)

2.2 intel Spark 优化

10%~15%内存给OS做cache(dcache, page cahce)

  • memory per node * (85~90)% / executors per node
  • 2~5GB per core: * spark.executor.cores

memoryOverhead参数:默认太小,防止offheap mem size导致被yarn kill
serializer参数:kryo序列化 15~20%提升

  • storage level
  • compression 默认rdd不压,shuffle压
    dynamicAllocation: 在Spark SQL好使
    GC:WebUI(GC Time 大部分GC严重开始调),尝试减少并行度
    blktrace 分析io,顺序(大IO,延迟小,磁道数连续)/随机(小IO,延迟大,磁道)分类(通过lba地址时间线判断) -> shuffle read是随机的,易于造成io瓶颈

QA:除非内存超大,全在OS page cache中shuffle,但是提升相比也不多,因为瓶颈主要体现在CPU了

2.3 百度分布式计算调度

Omega论文图片说明历史 Yarn -> mesos(双层) -> Brog/Omega(乐观锁)
作业无法区分 -> 资源利用率 -> 异构系统 (60% CPU利用)

  • 虚拟化交付,资源审计
  • 自研RPC
  • 丰富调度算法
  • 物理队列、逻辑队列、优先级抢占等
  • lib raft

2.4 服务治理

qlang语言 GO语言的TPL 从富媒体存储开始起步
服务端程序员特殊职责:on call
微服务:变多,治理压力更大 -> 业务化组织

  • 服务发现:服务的扩容缩容、调度,同时有负载均衡的问题;实现为客户端(性能更好)或负载均衡器(API gateway,治理能力更好)Kubernetes方案就不错,可以参考
  • 过载保护:自动扩容可能因为异常导致问题更严重,建议区分好坏请求,扩容增加上限,拒绝部分请求(N*2 高于报警线)
  • 服务降级:为重要请求保证资源
  • 故障定位:找root cause(首先可以进行集群拓扑发现,根据服务请求链条找根源,预案处理),xushiwei(注:七牛求才)

2.5 Elastic Stack数据分析

曾勇Medci Elastic于2012年成立
ELK -》Bees

2.5 分布式存储


  • 本地海量小文件 例:Swift
  • 聚合存储 g:方便迁移,EC恢复; b:垃圾回收比较复杂 例:Heystack


  • s3模型 底层对象存储,用户建立域名
  • Mangix系统 StoreServ(c语言、并发网络框架) ProxyServ(Golang、http访问入口)SchedServ(Golang 监控 恢复 调度 小文件垃圾回收) MetaDB(Oceanbase,中心化元数据存储)
  • 存储设计 [partition] 迁移复制最小单位,对应一个文件256MB,三副本 [record] 2MB落盘,流式写入 [Record Index]Record ID -> File Position
  • 恢复时间与可靠性 LRC算法
  • 元数据设计 多版本、数据去重(sha-1)、对象覆盖写?
  • sharding表如何设计方便EC RecordID(ServerIP+DiskID+timestamp)
  • 垃圾回收 标记删除、孤儿数据
  • MetaDB 万亿级数据、读多写少:LSM Tree实现就行
  • 进程独占机器 StoreServ/ProxyServ
  • 测试:glibc钩,不间断压力测试

consistent hash问题:扩容、数据迁移代价


美团变为平台+业务,挑战:代码复用率低、团队分工 -》分层+组件化

2.6 Apache Eagle ebay


  • SQL on Streaming
  • 实时流处理 Storm+Kalfka

3.1 大数据技术演进

Delivery(Kafka/RabbitMQ/Flume[push-based]) -> Processing(spark streaming[batches]/storm/samza/flink[stream]/spark/hadoop[batch]) vs Querying(SQL-on-Hadoop[using both hadoop & db]/Impala/Hive[SQL like]/HBase[KV,pre-comput,range scans]/Druid[column store & query,even BI])[output smaller] -> Storage(HDFS/ALLUXIO[mem]/Kafka)

reaching saturation point
Delivery(Kafka) -> Stream Processing(spark) -> Querying
BI ??? -> TensorFlow DL4J -> AI ???

druid join问题: 只是还没实现好
data mining & trend predict问题:问题仍没有很好解决方案
传统BI与Query Engine区别问题:开源,支持stream data,性能,功能目前无法比但很快会赶上

3.2 大数据、人工智能——京东VP

Hadoop核心思想 -> Partition data(key思路来源于search中倒排索引的token) + Coordinate & Schedule



  • 大数据安全性(更多)
  • BI应用(传统数据库已经研究很长时间)data model与Schema设计非常重要(减小数据复制,支持业务)
  • 任务调度(10K+ 节点)
  • 高性能与吞吐(每天100K+,除了平台,自身业务也要优化)
  • low lantency(实时搜索)


  • Deep learning 数据量增大,对多媒体数据分析,SL RL
  • Baysian program learning 不需要大数据,必须对问题有深刻了解,LDA


  • feature engineering 很常用,人工提供数据,实际上找特征比较难 Regression/GBDT/CRF
  • Supervised Deeping Learning nero-network算法降维,自学习隐藏特性

Search ranking/personal recom/customer attrition/product price

  • 大数据不一定覆盖重要特征,可能导致model失效
  • feature engineering 比模型更重要
  • real-time数据使用应该用在最后一步

Thinking Tech 未来big data


  • combine 多个 SL deep learning models & RL models
  • Reinforcement learning[NEW!]

产销决策 jd采用RL策略
Elon Musk’s Open AI
data scientist与业务domain之间的gap解决:应该管理来解决(培训)

3.3 JS选型 - Dylan Schieman@dojo, sitepen

挑战:Browser release;new platforms(even watches & VR);
优势:Ubiquitous;Easy;Zero install;

  1. 模块化 (包括HTTP2支持)
  2. 测试
  3. 独立性

A limited Test Drive问题
fat-controller & bi-directional slow -> virtual dom(maquette) & Redux
templating vs JSX vs HyperScript(dojo2)

3.4 数据库高可用——网易

DRBD性能 SAN价格 BINLOG MMM一致性问题 MHA都在用,主机硬盘问题
Semi-Replication事务提交顺序 Galera锁冲突比较多 NDB新存储引擎,使用人少


  • 异步复制->同步复制? 5.5.20-v3 => 5.7.2吸收
  • 组提交:Binary log Group Commit 5.5.20-v3 => 5.6.6吸收
  • 实时切换:从机并行回放(组里) => 5.6不同db进行;5.7完全吸收
  • 可用域和存储池

切换成本问题(应用断连接)SQL响应时间长 80%切换可用避免(可以提前预知)


  1. 索引设计 主键索引(无主键[复制性能差、多表插入性能]或主键非自增) 冗余索引或无效索引(影响插入性能) 低效索引(索引区分度[information.cardinality/tables] 低于0.1则有问题)
  2. 容量规划 cpu利用率、buffer_pool命中率(判断mem设置)、带宽、iops等
  3. 参数配置 Binlog(expire_logs_days/sync_binlog[不开不一致]/binlog_format[raw]) Redo(Innodb_file_log_size过小造成SSD下间歇hang住/Innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1) 内存(pre-thread buffers * max_connections + 其他共享内存 < 物理内存)
  4. 服务安全
  5. 用户访问 死锁(error log中判断) 慢查询(按照SQL类型归并)

3.5 Druid介绍 @imply

开源分布式数据库(2011) 应用场景是billion~trillion的数量级

  1. History & Motivation: scalable/Multi-tenancy/Real-time
    power for BI/OLAP

traditional data warehouse - star schema -> Aggregates tables/query caches (very slow!)
KV stores - Hbase etc. pre-compute slow as data grows
Column stores - Druid! after fail with postgre & HBase

  1. Design

supports custom column format -> summarization(agre on index -> shard on time[segment]) -> Multi-tenancy(deal with segment each)

  1. Arch

data->Hadoop–> Historical Node[segments] <–Broker Node<-query
streaming data -> Real-time Nodes(改为reverse index Nodes) –> Historical Node <–Broker Node<-query
Real-time Nodes: convert write optimized(hash map) -> read optimized(segments)
UI: Pivot/Grafama/Panoramix …
shard保证数据字典变得太大 random hash
summary rollup会丢失秒级数据
为何选择time做hash 可以很容易filter
传统数据库导入:first export raw data format
grafana UI 新指标添加比较慢
tableu在大数据表现不好[crash data]

3.6 数据访问层 ele.me

Netty.io 踩的坑
ele.me 纯python平台 -> 引入java生态

  • 指标:单价1万QPS(极限4.8万、日志trace都关了->2万)、延迟0.6ms、1.5万降为1千
  • DAL功能引入演进:小功能2周左右
    限流削峰 -> 主从分离 -> 二维分表(用户、商家的订单在一张表,拆分同时映射) 先用户再商户 显式commit -> 一维分表
    DAL架构选型(康威定律)2015/04 -> 独立进程服务(非库服务,多语言,mysql协议进程通信)-> 业务可以回滚接入前
    HAProxy -> Netty NIO -> MySQL解码 -> 限流队列(痛点!) -> 事件驱动SQL状态机 -> Netty NIO -> MySQL
    非核心功能可以在线关闭 网络层/jdbc
    同步(看起来是顺序的)-> 客户端/服务端超时 Netty IO异步 -> 清理资源不能释放两次 -> 加锁(标志)加好多!-> 去掉并发 SQL事件线程排队
    切换工具长时间能否工作 -> 系统升级与容灾切换一起做 -> 注意事务没有commit的情况
    CMS垃圾收集 170ms停顿->G1 20ms停顿 指定目标工作时间即可
    Netty线程性限制 解决流量 减小CPU压力

Introduction to Basic Fixed Income Securities

  1. Lottery payments

    A major lottery advertises that it pays the winner \$ 10 million. However this prize money is paid at the rate of \$ 500,000 each year (with the first payment being immediate) for a total of 20 payments. What is the present value of this prize at 10% interest compounded annually?

    $PV = \sum^N_{k=0}\frac{ck}{(1+r)^k} = \sum^{20}{k=0}\frac{500000}{(1+10\%)^k} = 4.2567818598792826 $ 4.68?

  2. Sunk Costs (Exercise 2.6 in Luenberger)

    A young couple has made a deposit of the first month’s rent (equal to \$ 1,000) on a 6-month apartment lease. The deposit is refundable at the end of six months if they stay until the end of the lease. The next day they find a different apartment that they like just as well,
    but its monthly rent is only \$ 900. And they would again have to put a deposit of \$ 900 refundable at the end of 6 months. They plan to be in the apartment only 6 months. Should they switch to the new apartment? Assume an (admittedly unrealistic!) interest rate of 12% per month compounded monthly.

    $ NPV1 = -\sum^5{i=0}\frac{1000}{1.12^i} + \frac{1000}{1.12^6}$
    $ NPV2 = -1000-\sum^5
    {i=0}\frac{900}{1.12^i} + \frac{900}{1.12^6}$

  3. Relation between spot and discount rates

    Suppose the spot rates for 1 and 2 years are s1=6.3% and s2=6.9% with annual compounding. Recall that in this course interest rates are always quoted on an annual basis unless otherwise specified. What is the discount rate d(0,2)?

    $ d(0,2) = \frac{1}{(1+s_2)^2} = 0.8750736155679097 $

  4. Relation between spot and forward rates

    Suppose the spot rates for 1 and 2 years are s1=6.3% and s2=6.9% with annual compounding. Recall that in this course interest rates are always quoted on an annual basis unless otherwise specified. What is the forward rate, f1,2 assuming annual compounding?

    $ f(1,2) = (F_2 - F_0)d(2,2) - (F_1-F_0)d(1,2) = (1.069^2 / 1.063 - 1) = 7.503386641580434% $

  5. Forward contract on a stock

    The current price of a stock is \$400 per share and it pays no dividends. Assuming a constant interest rate of 8% per year compounded quarterly, what is the stock’s theoretical forward price for delivery in 9 months?

    $ F = \frac{S}{d(0, T)} = 400*(1+0.02)^3 = 424.48320000000007 $

  6. Bounds using different lending and borrowing rate

    Suppose the borrowing rate rB=10% compounded annually. However, the lending rate (or equivalently, the interest rate on deposits) is only 8% compounded annually. Compute the difference between the upper and lower bounds on the price of an perpetuity that pays A=10,000\$ per year.

    $ PV = \sum^N_{k=0}\frac{c_k}{(1+r)^k} = 168.3501683501676$ 25000?

  7. Value of a Forward contract at an intermediate time

    Suppose we hold a forward contract on a stock with expiration 6 months from now. We entered into this contract 6 months ago so that when we entered into the contract, the expiration was T=1 year. The stock price \$ 6 months ago was S0=100, the current stock price is 125 and the current interest rate is r=10% compounded semi-annually. (This is the same rate that prevailed 6 months ago.) What is the current value of our forward contract?

    $ f = S_t - F_0 e ^{-r t} = 125 - 100/(e^(-10%1)) e^(-10% * 2) = 43.12692469220181 $
