Post Series插件(更名为SimplePostSeries)正式发布

Post Series插件改名为Simple Post Series正式在Wordpress插件官网发布,可以自由下载使用

Simple Post Series为Wordpress增加按照专题管理文章并展示的功能,集所有类似插件功能之所长,设置选项完善。


  • *可以在文章编辑页面通过按钮与面板添加shortcode以展示某个专题下的文章列表,支持文章与页面,
  • *可以设置自动在文章页或主页上显示某个专题下的文章列表,可以设置展示摘要或缩略图,
  • *可以在管理员文章管理页面上对某个专题进行筛选,文章管理更加方便,
  • *2.0最新版支持文章拖拽添加到专题的功能,页面特别参考eg-series插件。




simple-post-series allows you to insert series short code for displaying a bunch of posts in the same serie.
This plugin allows to include posts into series, to create, delete or rename series. It also includes widgets and shortcodes to display list of series, or the list of posts belonging to the series of the current post.

With this plugin, you can:

    • Add / Delete a post from a serie,
    • Create / Rename / Delete series,
    • Display the list of series in a post, or display this list in sidebar, with widgets for exemple,
    • Filter posts by a special serie in your admin post managent page,
    • Automatically insert the list of posts of a specific serie, without using shortcode.
      simple-post-series is TinyMCE Integrated. That means you don’t need to learn the shortcode syntax. The plugin add a button in the tinymce toolbar. You just have to click on this button, choose parameters/options, and click insert. That’s all, the shortcode will be insert into your post with the right parameters.

You can find latest source code in github project.

This plugin is enlighted by Tuts+ and their Sessions. You can find a very helpful cource in NetTuts+ to figure out how this plugin works in Wordpress.


  1. Uzip the folder.
  2. Upload the simple-post-series folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate Post Series.


simple post series adds two administration pages, a widget and shortcode.

Customize your theme

simple-post-series uses now a specific taxonomy to implement series. It means

    • You can build / customize a specific page in your theme to display the content of a serie.
      You can customize your theme by creating page like ‘taxonomy-series.php’ which overrides default archive page to display the content of a serie.
      A sample archive page template is located in ‘[simple-post-series]/template/taxonomy-series.php’ and you can freely modified it and place in your own theme.

Administration pages

  • * Series gives ability to change or rename series,
  • * Settings/Post Series contains all options of the plugin. In this page, you can activate the auto display feature.


To display the list of series: [series options], with the following options:

  • * id of the series. Default ‘ ‘,
  • * slug of the series. Default ‘ ‘,
  • * title of the list. Default ‘ ‘,
  • * limit: number of series to display in the list. Default: -1 to display all series,
  • * show_future: displays unpublish posts in the series. Default: on,
  • * class_prefix: of the list section. Default ‘post-series’.


  1. Post Editing page: TinyMCE integration and additional metabox to quickly choose or add a serie 加入专题设置模块,
  2. List of posts in a serie 在文章页面展示专题列表,
  3. Easily manage series 拖拽管理专题下所属文章,
  4. TinyMCE window to choose shortcodes options, and insert shortcodes 文章编辑方便插入short code,
  5. Insert short code in edit post 插入short code的结果,
  6. Options page 插件设置页面,


= 2.1 =

  • New: Fix bugs and improve code robustion

= 2.0 =

  • New: Add admin series bulk edition page for drag and drop posts to serie

= 1.3 =

  • New: Add option to choose where to display lists
  • New: Add option to choose to display excerpt
  • New: Add option to choose to display thumbnail

= 1.2 =

  • New: Add series filter in admin’s edit.php
  • New: optional load of the stylesheet
  • New: sample archive page for displaying series taxonomy in custom theme

= 1.1 =

  • New: add widget for post series with many options

= 1.0 =

  • Plugin released. Everything is new! Have to change name from post-series to simple-post-series.